Table of Contents

Using git and github

I hate GIT

Common Commands

Create a New Repository

Local Repository

Create a new local Git repository

  mkdir hello-world
  cd hello-world
  git init
  git add .
  git commit -m "Initial commit"

github Repository starting from a local git repository

  git remote add origin <><git-username>/<git-repo-name>.git
  git branch -M master
  git push -u origin master


  git remote add origin <><git-username>/<git-repo-name>.git
  git branch -M master
  git push -u origin master

github Repository starting with a github repository

  git clone
  git add
  git push

Work Flow

Start daily development with a “pull”. Then “commit” as necessary.

When ready to update master repository do a “push”.

Sync Dialog - Provides an interface for all operations related with remote repositories in one dialog including push, pull, fetch, remote update…


Tagging / Release


Use PuTTY key generator to make public/private pair On server (i.e. make sure public key is uploaded

Settings | Git

  Set "local" credentials for a project

Settings | Git | Remote

  Make sure URL is github "SSH" clone
  Put in path to private key that matches public key above


Make public/private pair

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "*******"
  password = **********

Add your SSH private key

ssh-add ~/.ssh/*********