====== OpenVPN Setup ====== [[https://openvpn.net/community/|OpenVPN Community Edition]] [[https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/|Downloads]] ===== OpenVPN Authentication ===== Here is a good article on [[https://openvpn.net/community-resources/how-to/#pki|OpenVPN Authentication based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)]] This article does a good job of explaining [[http://www.zytrax.com/tech/survival/ssl.html|TLS/SSL and SSL (X.509) Certificates]] at length. A working knowledge of encyrption is necessary. Symmetric key encryption is pretty straightforward but public key encryption has some interesting capabilities. Here is a good article on [[http://www.zytrax.com/tech/survival/encryption.html|encryption]]. The PKI consists of: * A separate certificate (also known as a public key) and private key for the server and each client, and * A master Certificate Authority (CA) certificate and key which is used to sign each of the server and client certificates. Important notes about SSL in general and PKI authentication * SSL transport is almost always really TLS. SSL largely replaced TLS but the name persists. * What are known as SSL certificates should really be referred to as X.509 certificates. * The server will only accept clients whose certificates were signed by the master CA certificate * The server and client clocks need to be roughly in sync or certificates might not work properly. * From [[https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8446.txt|RFC 8446]] Section 1: The server side of the channel is always authenticated; the client side is optionally authenticated. * During the hanshake protocol a TLS/SSL server will typically provide a certificate. The client may optionally also provide a certificate. ==== File Formats ==== DER - All SSL related objects (Certificates, keys etc.) use native ASN.1 DER encoding. DER is a binary (8 bit) encoding. PEM - Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) encodes binary DER in base 64 (RFC 3548) creating a text (ASCII/IA5 subset) version that may be sent by, among other things, mail systems. Objects encoded by PEM include header lines and trailer lines each starting and finishing with precisely 5 dashes to encapsulate the base64 material and provide a human readable indication of its content. PEM files look something like that shown below: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDHDCCAoWgAwIBAgIJALt8VJ... ... Cfh/ea7F1El1Ym1Zj2v3wLhRl1... NH5lEmZybl+m2frlkjUv9KAvxc... IFgovdU8YPMDds= -----END CERTIFICATE----- BLAH BLAH BLAH ==== Generate the master Certificate Authority (CA) certificate & key ==== Use easy-rsa 2, a set of scripts which is bundled with OpenVPN. With the Windows OpenVPN client open up a Command Prompt window with administrative privileges and cd to c:\Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa. Run the following batch file to copy configuration files into place (this will overwrite any preexisting vars.bat and openssl.cnf files). Skip this if you already have vars.bat setup the way you like it. : init-config Now edit the vars.bat file and set KEY_* parameters. Don’t leave any of these parameters blank. Here is what I set: set KEY_COUNTRY=US set KEY_PROVINCE=FL set KEY_CITY=Niceville set KEY_ORG=Baggerman set KEY_EMAIL=xxxxxxxx@baggerman.org set KEY_CN=Home-VPN-CA set KEY_NAME=Home-DD-WRT-OpenVPN set KEY_OU=Home Next, initialize the PKI. vars clean-all build-ca The "build-ca" command issues this OpenSSL command: # Build a cert authority valid for ten years, starting now openssl req -days 3650 -nodes -new -x509 -keyout %KEY_DIR%\ca.key -out %KEY_DIR%\ca.crt -config %KEY_CONFIG% Substitute "-enddate YYMMDDHHMMSSZ" to specify an end date instead. The final command (build-ca) will build the certificate authority (CA) certificate and key by invoking the interactive openssl command. My certificate looked like: ** Master Certificate - Encoded** -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIG/TCCBOWgAwIBAgIJAIDiFLZkOqoVMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGvMQswCQYD VQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCRkwxEjAQBgNVBAcTCU5pY2V2aWxsZTESMBAGA1UE ChMJQmFnZ2VybWFuMQ0wCwYDVQQLEwRIb21lMRQwEgYDVQQDEwtIb21lLVZQTi1D QTEcMBoGA1UEKRMTSG9tZS1ERC1XUlQtT3BlblZQTjEoMCYGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYZ Ym9iLm9wZW52cG5AYmFnZ2VybWFuLm9yZzAeFw0xODEyMDIwNTAzMTZaFw0yODEx MjkwNTAzMTZaMIGvMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCRkwxEjAQBgNVBAcT CU5pY2V2aWxsZTESMBAGA1UEChMJQmFnZ2VybWFuMQ0wCwYDVQQLEwRIb21lMRQw EgYDVQQDEwtIb21lLVZQTi1DQTEcMBoGA1UEKRMTSG9tZS1ERC1XUlQtT3BlblZQ TjEoMCYGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYZYm9iLm9wZW52cG5AYmFnZ2VybWFuLm9yZzCCAiIw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBALxnrTUcdkOZMplk4XUfpKE9Z3VM CMSOLbXkrablD6IkdRP0twv3G/jizxlJV4kCzQdQPUTfS/AwJyi+vJ0/b+PIHFje X1JZ3Kg9+1k3rHwTu+uadj23M4MNRM+omQuPCi6QwC6wmE3k+Nze0VKX2kWKWHzi wONuJxYiKlZ89IP3uszdYOctKr8CbEXgWdzmokv656h0N3YLjCnqjfDec0D6zNSE ZsSXb2y/6geeNK1EIx4rhOc658Yz+ZTruYR2mVRb5sPggu3c9lSLiWylTyM+Gi6/ QVHB8OzRo0+P+YEm551tx7kZeJg8whWnJ0NUE7ZR8PkpOdfeeL56aTAaFnKpBZ0K vi6s+q43hG0FB4aGjv0Ud3+xzW+96Nnmpr6srUQCxmSZ1c7orrEz0rTWi8IjwzsL STMwwF5vW8cmBM2+7LqGL+/+flrW2g4bC9Da9/gn8nmpykzHAHjarq+L2Y2waLu7 B12XhSpWhFMNGnrRKuFqW06Uu4tSHcqsk7UNrnivAAkDFDe/YzteourkfhueUk9T LVzIDafE9aRaGuSWTle9UO37YfwKKgUjKAcyj1dZImoaj7zKBKvcgswY900FRjkM dxQIiCR8s4Ryrd/gFEF44T2M0jLVJxEnfwnBUe3//qBat0Irj6xwtNzix8TXpc/a iyfaipxhjAPjgldNAgMBAAGjggEYMIIBFDAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUNBPszBOCYFEYHstL aTeZPa90PPwwgeQGA1UdIwSB3DCB2YAUNBPszBOCYFEYHstLaTeZPa90PPyhgbWk gbIwga8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQIEwJGTDESMBAGA1UEBxMJTmljZXZp bGxlMRIwEAYDVQQKEwlCYWdnZXJtYW4xDTALBgNVBAsTBEhvbWUxFDASBgNVBAMT C0hvbWUtVlBOLUNBMRwwGgYDVQQpExNIb21lLURELVdSVC1PcGVuVlBOMSgwJgYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFhlib2Iub3BlbnZwbkBiYWdnZXJtYW4ub3JnggkAgOIUtmQ6qhUw DAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAgEAE7UKWG1qrkI+NFox1+Nh WuGHjOtW9BQjYn896tl7rDrGEF3JkX98tUznO6yd8oLmqnX5M8qkRl5df3j9CINH eVyxbDQM35hTpl0QaFS4Fzifv13KStuSRTKjwo624RxTn+0GCsU2YOtKdHTabJSb vH8GXSXSSrQikwkgXD9ioMk80190KgBkhm/pMa1oEiFFnkN5r8tEv+XmOaE1zkGH 0aQsdvTLNlzD1WszDpf+ljw/19RTadKRjueFVYk04jujcSHMJgPAh3IARrk3L8b9 lJwxikxnLWEUCArCSyNTFRhA6lWo4ZiMzwKr4nKY2Jn6flPtQg1/jT5fdyR4SuWi gU0JfL2LBPS3/TSqi+xT+1aEBsPpmzcNBM/c6s6jAZkz9FM56A02sXRaaaAp1c8v V0ykfMNxjfeF9SdKYs9149G8YrUEkE08XCDPQss0fjCwxBpRkAoMIEViGlHRHS9k AiJeaZ+PAUgu0gU/wAe/0NEDzSkZwWXHc6q+7A8rcLPOlJSmFouMJHoQ54AcbVkw ux3TvtdSJOwl+6BAuFbIH091hjXXVrdaawNEhR8SSb7yBNyXG056d64kw34PIrQS 6oqA+t8dYzYkRsNmJP8rJDYhzHgqA9Ip/vbOx4ioOdc4m9fbbQ8uXdxChQ4/NFL3 u15eRCSnJnzfXHQ62UaR1gc= -----END CERTIFICATE----- Use openssl or an [[https://ssldecoder.org/|SSL certificate decoder]] to view the contents. openssl x509 -in ca.crt -text -noout My humanly readable certificate looked like: **Master Certificate - Decoded** Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 9287008155189553685 (0x80e214b6643aaa15) Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, ST=FL, L=Niceville, O=Baggerman, OU=Home, CN=Home-VPN-CA/name=Home-DD-WRT-OpenVPN/emailAddress=bob.openvpn@baggerman.org Validity Not Before: Dec 2 05:03:16 2018 GMT Not After : Nov 29 05:03:16 2028 GMT Subject: C=US, ST=FL, L=Niceville, O=Baggerman, OU=Home, CN=Home-VPN-CA/name=Home-DD-WRT-OpenVPN/emailAddress=bob.openvpn@baggerman.org Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (4096 bit) Modulus: 00:bc:67:ad:35:1c:76:43:99:32:99:64:e1:75:1f: a4:a1:3d:67:75:4c:08:c4:8e:2d:b5:e4:ad:a6:e5: 0f:a2:24:75:13:f4:b7:0b:f7:1b:f8:e2:cf:19:49: 57:89:02:cd:07:50:3d:44:df:4b:f0:30:27:28:be: bc:9d:3f:6f:e3:c8:1c:58:de:5f:52:59:dc:a8:3d: fb:59:37:ac:7c:13:bb:eb:9a:76:3d:b7:33:83:0d: 44:cf:a8:99:0b:8f:0a:2e:90:c0:2e:b0:98:4d:e4: f8:dc:de:d1:52:97:da:45:8a:58:7c:e2:c0:e3:6e: 27:16:22:2a:56:7c:f4:83:f7:ba:cc:dd:60:e7:2d: 2a:bf:02:6c:45:e0:59:dc:e6:a2:4b:fa:e7:a8:74: 37:76:0b:8c:29:ea:8d:f0:de:73:40:fa:cc:d4:84: 66:c4:97:6f:6c:bf:ea:07:9e:34:ad:44:23:1e:2b: 84:e7:3a:e7:c6:33:f9:94:eb:b9:84:76:99:54:5b: e6:c3:e0:82:ed:dc:f6:54:8b:89:6c:a5:4f:23:3e: 1a:2e:bf:41:51:c1:f0:ec:d1:a3:4f:8f:f9:81:26: e7:9d:6d:c7:b9:19:78:98:3c:c2:15:a7:27:43:54: 13:b6:51:f0:f9:29:39:d7:de:78:be:7a:69:30:1a: 16:72:a9:05:9d:0a:be:2e:ac:fa:ae:37:84:6d:05: 07:86:86:8e:fd:14:77:7f:b1:cd:6f:bd:e8:d9:e6: a6:be:ac:ad:44:02:c6:64:99:d5:ce:e8:ae:b1:33: d2:b4:d6:8b:c2:23:c3:3b:0b:49:33:30:c0:5e:6f: 5b:c7:26:04:cd:be:ec:ba:86:2f:ef:fe:7e:5a:d6: da:0e:1b:0b:d0:da:f7:f8:27:f2:79:a9:ca:4c:c7: 00:78:da:ae:af:8b:d9:8d:b0:68:bb:bb:07:5d:97: 85:2a:56:84:53:0d:1a:7a:d1:2a:e1:6a:5b:4e:94: bb:8b:52:1d:ca:ac:93:b5:0d:ae:78:af:00:09:03: 14:37:bf:63:3b:5e:a2:ea:e4:7e:1b:9e:52:4f:53: 2d:5c:c8:0d:a7:c4:f5:a4:5a:1a:e4:96:4e:57:bd: 50:ed:fb:61:fc:0a:2a:05:23:28:07:32:8f:57:59: 22:6a:1a:8f:bc:ca:04:ab:dc:82:cc:18:f7:4d:05: 46:39:0c:77:14:08:88:24:7c:b3:84:72:ad:df:e0: 14:41:78:e1:3d:8c:d2:32:d5:27:11:27:7f:09:c1: 51:ed:ff:fe:a0:5a:b7:42:2b:8f:ac:70:b4:dc:e2: c7:c4:d7:a5:cf:da:8b:27:da:8a:9c:61:8c:03:e3: 82:57:4d Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 34:13:EC:CC:13:82:60:51:18:1E:CB:4B:69:37:99:3D:AF:74:3C:FC X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:34:13:EC:CC:13:82:60:51:18:1E:CB:4B:69:37:99:3D:AF:74:3C:FC DirName:/C=US/ST=FL/L=Niceville/O=Baggerman/OU=Home/CN=Home-VPN-CA/name=Home-DD-WRT-OpenVPN/emailAddress=bob.openvpn@baggerman.org serial:80:E2:14:B6:64:3A:AA:15 X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:TRUE Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 13:b5:0a:58:6d:6a:ae:42:3e:34:5a:31:d7:e3:61:5a:e1:87: 8c:eb:56:f4:14:23:62:7f:3d:ea:d9:7b:ac:3a:c6:10:5d:c9: 91:7f:7c:b5:4c:e7:3b:ac:9d:f2:82:e6:aa:75:f9:33:ca:a4: 46:5e:5d:7f:78:fd:08:83:47:79:5c:b1:6c:34:0c:df:98:53: a6:5d:10:68:54:b8:17:38:9f:bf:5d:ca:4a:db:92:45:32:a3: c2:8e:b6:e1:1c:53:9f:ed:06:0a:c5:36:60:eb:4a:74:74:da: 6c:94:9b:bc:7f:06:5d:25:d2:4a:b4:22:93:09:20:5c:3f:62: a0:c9:3c:d3:5f:74:2a:00:64:86:6f:e9:31:ad:68:12:21:45: 9e:43:79:af:cb:44:bf:e5:e6:39:a1:35:ce:41:87:d1:a4:2c: 76:f4:cb:36:5c:c3:d5:6b:33:0e:97:fe:96:3c:3f:d7:d4:53: 69:d2:91:8e:e7:85:55:89:34:e2:3b:a3:71:21:cc:26:03:c0: 87:72:00:46:b9:37:2f:c6:fd:94:9c:31:8a:4c:67:2d:61:14: 08:0a:c2:4b:23:53:15:18:40:ea:55:a8:e1:98:8c:cf:02:ab: e2:72:98:d8:99:fa:7e:53:ed:42:0d:7f:8d:3e:5f:77:24:78: 4a:e5:a2:81:4d:09:7c:bd:8b:04:f4:b7:fd:34:aa:8b:ec:53: fb:56:84:06:c3:e9:9b:37:0d:04:cf:dc:ea:ce:a3:01:99:33: f4:53:39:e8:0d:36:b1:74:5a:69:a0:29:d5:cf:2f:57:4c:a4: 7c:c3:71:8d:f7:85:f5:27:4a:62:cf:75:e3:d1:bc:62:b5:04: 90:4d:3c:5c:20:cf:42:cb:34:7e:30:b0:c4:1a:51:90:0a:0c: 20:45:62:1a:51:d1:1d:2f:64:02:22:5e:69:9f:8f:01:48:2e: d2:05:3f:c0:07:bf:d0:d1:03:cd:29:19:c1:65:c7:73:aa:be: ec:0f:2b:70:b3:ce:94:94:a6:16:8b:8c:24:7a:10:e7:80:1c: 6d:59:30:bb:1d:d3:be:d7:52:24:ec:25:fb:a0:40:b8:56:c8: 1f:4f:75:86:35:d7:56:b7:5a:6b:03:44:85:1f:12:49:be:f2: 04:dc:97:1b:4e:7a:77:ae:24:c3:7e:0f:22:b4:12:ea:8a:80: fa:df:1d:63:36:24:46:c3:66:24:ff:2b:24:36:21:cc:78:2a: 03:d2:29:fe:f6:ce:c7:88:a8:39:d7:38:9b:d7:db:6d:0f:2e: 5d:dc:42:85:0e:3f:34:52:f7:bb:5e:5e:44:24:a7:26:7c:df: 5c:74:3a:d9:46:91:d6:07 ==== Generate Certificate & Key for Server ==== Generate a certificate and private key for the server. On Windows: build-key-server server As in the previous step, most parameters can be defaulted. When the Common Name is queried, enter “server”. Two other queries require positive responses, * “Sign the certificate? [y/n]” * “1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]”. The "build-key-server" command generates server files by first building a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and then signing the CSR. It issues these OpenSSL commands: # Build a request for a cert that will be valid for ten years openssl req -days 3650 -nodes -new -keyout %KEY_DIR%\%1.key -out %KEY_DIR%\%1.csr -config %KEY_CONFIG% # Sign the cert request with our ca, creating a cert/key pair openssl ca -days 3650 -out %KEY_DIR%\%1.crt -in %KEY_DIR%\%1.csr -extensions server -config %KEY_CONFIG% ==== Generate Certificates & Keys for Clients ==== Generating client certificates is very similar to the previous step. On Windows: build-key client1 To password-protect your client keys, substitute the build-key-pass script. Remember that for each client, make sure to type the appropriate Common Name when prompted, i.e. “client1”, “client2”, or “client3”. Always use a unique common name for each client. The “build-key” command generates client files by first building a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and then signing the CSR. It issues these OpenSSL commands: # Build a request for a cert that will be valid for ten years openssl req -days 3650 -nodes -new -keyout %KEY_DIR%\%1.key -out %KEY_DIR%\%1.csr -config %KEY_CONFIG% # Sign the cert request with our ca, creating a cert/key pair openssl ca -days 3650 -out %KEY_DIR%\%1.crt -in %KEY_DIR%\%1.csr -config %KEY_CONFIG% Clients can generate their own private key locally. To do this they submit a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to the key signer. The key-signer can then processed the CSR and returned a signed certificate to the client. ==== Generate Diffie Hellman Parameters ==== Diffie Hellman parameters must be generated for the OpenVPN server. On Windows: build-dh ==== Key Files ==== Here is an explanation of the relevant files: ^ Filename ^ Needed By ^ Purpose ^ Secret ^ | ca.crt | server + all clients | Root CA certificate | NO | | ca.key | key signing machine only | Root CA key | YES | | dh{n}.pem | server only | Diffie Hellman parameters | NO | | server.crt | server only | Server Certificate | NO | | server.key | server only | Server Key | YES | | client1.crt | client1 only | Client1 Certificate | NO | | client1.key | client1 only | Client1 Key | YES | ===== DD-WRT Router Setup ===== {{:technical:dd-wrt_openvpn.png?direct&400|}} From [[https://wiki.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/OpenVPN|DD-WRT OpenVPN Wiki Page]] and [[https://wiki.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/OpenVPN_Remote_Access_by_Static_Key_%28The_Simple_Way%29|OpenVPN Remote Access By Static Key (The Simple Way)]] Here is another great article on setting up a [[https://advancedhomeserver.com/dd-wrt-and-openvpn-part-3/|home OpenVPN server]]. When using tunneling mode, to avoid IP address conflicts in a routed configuration: * the private LAN IP subnet * the VPN subnet * the remote LAN subnet must all be different from each other. I used bridge mode and avoided all the routing stuff. Choose subnets for the private LAN and the VPN that are unlikely to conflict. I chose 192.168.100.x for my home LAN. ==== Customizable Web Page Setup Parameters ==== Settings are stored in NVRAM which is limited in size. Only store the PEM version of keys and certs to save space. If there isn't enough space in NVRAM some of these settings will mysteriously disappear after saving. ^ Setting ^ Description ^ Default ^ | Start Type | Use "System". "WAN Up" doesnt work. | | | Server Mode | The mode of tunneling. TUN: routing (layer 3), TAP: bridging networks (layer 2). | | | DHCP-Proxy mode | Only in bridge mode. Let the clients use the network DHCP server not the OpenVPN DHCP. | | | Pool start IP | 1st IP of the IP pool used (Only in bridge mode). | | | Pool end IP | Last IP of the IP pool used (Only in bridge mode). | | | Gateway | Default gateway to use (Only in bridge mode). | | | Network (e.g. | Network to use for the tunnel (Only in routing mode). | | | Netmask (e.g. | Netmask of the used network. | | | Block DHCP across the tunnel | Don't allow DHCP requests across tunnel (Only in bridge mode).| | | Port | Port which OpenVPN server listens on. | 1194 | | Tunnel Protocol | The subprotocol the connection will use on the real used tcp connection. | UDP | | Encryption Cipher | The encryption algorithm that will be used for the tunnel. Blowfish: fastest to AES512 safest. | AES128 | | Hash Algorithm (None and MD4 to SHA512) | The hash algorithm that will be used. MD4: fastest (maybe unsafe) to SHA512. | SHA256 | | Advanced options | Leave defaults as is if you dont know what you are doing. | disabled | | LZO Compression | Enables compression over VPN. This might speedup the connection. Must be the same value as on server. | yes | | Redirect default Gateway | Force the clients to use the tunnel as default gateway. | disabled | | Allow Client to Client | Allow clients to see each other. | disabled | | Allow duplicate cn | Allow to use 1 client cert to use on multiple clients (security risk) | | | TUN MTU Setting | Set the MTU of the tunnel | 1500 | | MSS-Fix/Fragment across the tunnel | Set mss-fix and fragmentaion accross the tunnel. | | | TLS Cipher | What encryption algorithm OpenVPN should use for encrypting its control channel. | disabled | | Additional Config | Any additional configurations you want to define for the VPN connection. | | | Public Server Cert | Server certificate issued by CA for this particular router (usually server.crt); also only part between 'BEGIN' and 'END' is required. | | | CA Cert | The master key which is used to sign each of the server and client certificates. Certificate in PEM form (usually ca.crt); only part between (and including) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- is necessary; as it is stored in NVRAM, everything else from that file should be removed to conserve space. | | | Private Server Key | Key associated with certificate above (usually server.key); should be kept secret because anybody who knows this key can successfully authenticate client certificates. | | | DH PEM | Diffie Hellman parameters generated for the OpenVPN server (usually dh1024.pem) | | | Additional Config | Any additional configurations you want to define for the VPN connection. | | | TLS Auth Key | The static key OpenVPN should use for generating HMAC send/receive keys. For extra security beyond that provided by SSL/TLS, create an "HMAC firewall" to help block DoS attacks and UDP port flooding. The server and each client must have a copy of this key. | | | Certificate Revoke List | | | ===== OpenVPN Client Setup ===== remote nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn dev tun ifconfig route secret secret.key comp-lzo keepalive 10 60 ping-timer-rem persist-tun persist-key